
How To Filter Gmail By Size

Desire to sort Gmail past size of the emails? In this article, we've provided yous with the perfect means to filter out the contents of your mail with the use of functions that allow you to mail greater than size x, smaller than size y, as well as inside a size limit xy.

Gmail takes up the 27.eight% email client market place share according to the latest reports ( 1 ), ranking next to Apple's iPhone. Gmail has been providing A1 email services to its clients for over 15 years and is still committed to maintaining its quality services.

Is your Gmail inbox total of mails, and you want to clear some infinite from the space-consuming mails. Yous can beginning the process past sorting out your Gmail inbox by size then filtering out the unnecessary mails. Check out how you can sort Gmail by size and take all the junk out.

1. How to Sort Gmail by Size

How to Sort Gmail by Size

Sorting out your Gmail according to the size of the mail is a straightforward and effortless task.

Follow the instructions given below to Gmail sort past size:

  1. Open up your  Gmail  Account
  2. Ensure you're on the primary inbox tab
  3. Click on the  Search tab
  4. Type size: 7MB,  vii beingness replaceable with the desired file size
  5. Printing Enter

All the emails holding a size college than 7MB will be displayed on the screen. Filter them according to your postal service needs.

ii. How to Gmail Sort by Size With Limits

How to Gmail Sort by Size With Limits

In example you need to filter out and sort Gmail by size set within certain limits, follow these steps:

  1. Open up your  Gmail  Business relationship
  2. Ensure yous're on the main inbox tab
  3. Click on the  Search tab
  4. Type larger_than:3MB smaller_than:12MB, with iii and 12 existence replaceable with the desired size
  5. Press Enter

All the emails holding a size larger than 3MB and smaller than 12MB will appear on the screen. You tin can also use these functions separately to search for the required assortment of mails.

Additional Gmail Search Functions

Gmail is full of features that remain undiscovered, near forever.

Here'south a list of functions and their use in Gmail:

  • Type older:2007/07/01  to search for emails older than the typed date
  • Type newer:2007/07/01  to search for emails after the classified appointment
  • Type from:proper name  to search for received post from a particular individual
  • Blazon to:proper name  to search for sent mail of a specific individual
  • Type has:document , with 'document' being replaceable with the required attachment type, to search for emails with documents

Overall, Gmail offers a user-friendly interface that allows y'all to search for emails with attachments, pictures, larger sizes, smaller sizes, etc. And then the next you get frustrated with your overflowing email and are confused with to filter and sort Gmail by size, remember the functions mentioned away to search the desired e-mail lot, in a click.

Saumya Uniyal

Saumya Uniyal

A passionate writer with bachelor'due south in the field of English language & Journalism. Other than being a bibliophile, some of her hobbies are travelling, photography and poetry.

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Saumya Uniyal

Saumya Uniyal

A passionate writer with bachelor's in the field of English & Journalism. Other than existence a bibliophile, some of her hobbies are travelling, photography and poetry.

How To Filter Gmail By Size,


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