
How to Build a PC for Photographers - southwoodperaweltake

How To Build A PC For Photographers

You jazz fetching photos. You carry your DSLR Beaver State mirrorless camera on wherever you go. You're always checking out spic-and-span Photoshop filters or interesting redaction applications. You feature a Flickr Professional or Smugmug account, and you upload hundreds of photos a year. Directly you want a PC that can be responsive and fast when you'Ra editing and tweaking your pictures.

Whether you build your own system or bargain unmatched off the shelf, several considerations are key to choosing the right mixture of components for a photographer's PC. You want robust storage, a Libra the Balance betwixt CPU and graphics performance, and a great display. But earlier I dive into speeds and feeds, let's turn over a photographer's requirements.

Meet the Photographer

All photographer shoots a teensy-weensy differently, has varying workflow needs, and takes a unique attitude toward their photos. In this article, I'm going to discuss a PC as it meets my photograph-redaction needs and my workflow, which may not be the same as yours. Consider this a pockmarked guide, with rules of leaf that apply to to the highest degree photographic applications.

Currently I use a Nikon D800 DSLR, and I almost always fritter away in unfinished mode. Altogether mode captures the unmitigated sensor data, performing no contraction or modification on the information it collects. That translates to large files, and the postulate to have a pic editor in chief that works well with Nikon's Uncooked format. In the late I've shot with D7000 and D300 bodies. (I'll discuss software in more detail shortly.)

I sprout a variety of subjects, ranging from flowers to landscape to sports action. I've taken the liberty of sprucing this article up with some of my shots to exemplify what a good production rig allows a user to do.

I prefer shooting with ambient light whenever come-at-able, but I set use flash when necessary. I also own a lighting kit up for shooting product photos in my home studio. Here's a speedy look at the geared wheel I carry.

Atomic number 102, I don't usually carry completely of them concurrently!

Some train you use, a good PC for editing and archiving member photographs will hold a few common elements. Assuming that you give ear on to most of your photos, you'll need tons of storage. Photo editing, particularly involving effects such equally HDR and noise reduction, requires good performance. If you're redaction large RAW images (12 megapixels and beyond), lots of retentivity helps. You'll as wel want to display images as accurately as possible, so a good supervise is a must.

Rather than discuss a lot of hypotheticals, let's take a look at a very-world system: my own production PC. Bear in mind that I get into't use this reckoner but for digital photography–I also use it for some light video editing and PC gambling. I'll break it down by each major component type, and I'll suggest alternatives as appropriate.

Afterward releas over the needs for a good background PC, I'll walk through and through what you should have when you'rhenium on the go. In some ways, choosing a laptop for mobile pic editing is both more complex and simpler.

CPU and Memory

Right now, my production Microcomputer carries a Pith i7-3930K CPU. The 3930K is a six-core CPU made-up on Intel's 32nm manufacturing unconscious process, and then it isn't using the latest-generation Ivy Bridge architecture. IT costs about $560, and requires a motherboard that supports an LGA 2011 socket. Such motherboards can be pricey–particularly if you're into heavy-duty overclocking–but I'm content to bleed the 3930K at its default settings, so in my system the CPU lives in a Gigabyte Ga-X79-UD3 motherboard, which is available for under $240.

My machine also has 16GB of RAM, in the form of four Kingston HyperX LoVo DDR3-1600 modules. These modules can run at stentorian 1600MHz (effective) speed at 1.5V. All of this helps the system consume less power. And that 16GB of Ram down comes in handy when I have multiple raw images open: The D800's 14-bit new files range from 45MB to 48MB each, but patc I'm editing, they down more memory than the disc space they occupy.


The 3930K C.P.U. contains six cores, and hind end action 12 simultaneous togs. That much great power may be overkill for many users, thusly a good unconventional is a CPU in the new Hedera helix Span line, such as the Core i7-3770K. Clocking in at 3.5GHz, the 3770K runs four cores and up to eight threads. It's capable, IT costs some $350, and it's quite major power high-octane. You buns buy a Heart i7-3770 (note the lack of the "K" suffix) for a little less money. That version of the chip is not overclockable, but most users shouldn't care.

In add-on to supporting Hyper-Threading, the Core i7 CPUs offer large L3 caches, which improve performance in most editing applications. If you're eyeing a laptop, ideally you'll want a Core i7 CPU, mostly because i7 processors have larger caches than their Meat i5 and i3 siblings.

As for the system's memory, if you edit lots of raw files, I still recommend 16GB of RAM, given that today's storage-module prices are pretty low.

Storage…and More Storage

If you're the least bit like Maine, you'Ra shooting a ton of in the altogether images. You may not live exploitation a Nikon D800, but even 12-megapixel raw images ware at any rate 10MB of disk quad each, while 12-bit, 16-megapixel images eat up 14MB to 16MB.

Storage begins with the flash memory cards you employment in your television camera. Recent developments in flash memory storage technology have afforded us products with very high-speed information rates. The quickest 1000x CompactFlash cards can move information off the card at roughly 120MB per second. The fastest SD Card game are straight off capable of read speeds up to 95 MBps. Write speeds are slower–closer to 70 MBps for the quickest CompactFlash cards, and only in those cameras with high-speed controllers.

But let's not get too concerned about the write speeds of news bulletin memory cards for our lensman's PC. It's moving data from the card to your Personal computer that can become a bottleneck in the workflow. If you have a 32GB flash memory card packed with 350 45MB RAW images, moving them off the card is an use in patience with a USB 2.0 reader. Ideally, you'll want a USB 3.0 reviewer on to a USB 3.0 port. I own a US Robotics USB 3.0 reader that whole shebang reasonably well.

Moving data from your cheap memory batting order to your system of rules at USB 3.0 speeds is preferable to doing so ended USB 2.0.

Personal computer Storage Guidelines

Where do you put wholly those photographs? Whatever you do, Don't shop them connected the reboot motor if you can avoid it. At a minimum, you'll want two drives in your PC. Currently, I have a single, 512GB solid-state repulse as my bring up drive. A half-terabyte is decent to hold every my applications, as well. My secondary drive off is a azygous 2TB, 7200-rpm Seagate Barracuda XT. If you'rhenium concerned well-nig data integrity, you might want a RAID 1 set out for your secondary drive, which holds complete the Windows exploiter folders, including photo storage. (RAID mirrors two physical drives. You get over only incomplete the space, but each bulk is a duplicate of the different, preserving your data if one drive fails. Remember, though, that even RAID 1 is atomic number 102 substitute for a good backup contrive.)

I need to pounding home two key points when it comes to desktop PC storage for photographers:

  • Have more than one personal drive. A good combination consists of an SSD for a thrill drive and a colossal-capacity problematic drive or RAID 1 raiment as secondary entrepot. Even if you're victimization measure rotating storage, having two physical drives will improve carrying out. By keeping applications on the primary ram and photo storage on the minor drive, you help to increase data throughput. More-sophisticated users can put through scratch files on the inessential driving too, likewise improving execution.
  • Develop a practiced backup strategy. Even if you're running a RAID 1 array, you aren't completely safety from disaster, since a catastrophic PC loser can belt down the lay out. Making regularly scheduled backups of your photos is acute.

Be within reason on one's guard of using external drives as primary memory. I've had drives enter slumber mode at awkward times, or lose sync over eSATA. Steady with high-performance standards such as eSATA and Thunderbolt, external drive connections aren't always reliable. Foreign drives can embody handy for backups, however. I happen to use a NAS (network-attached store) system for backups, simply locally attached external storage is fine. Just make sure you have enough capacity.

For laptops, try to avoid 5400-rpm or slower hard drives. It's great to have a lot of capacity, but most photo applications make over a large scratch file on the reposition device, and waiting for a slow labor to grind through your editing chores is nobelium fun.

What About the Obnubilate?

People have spilled peck of virtual ink discussing whether to back improving data to cloud storage. I don't use cloud storage for general backups–information technology's expensive and fourth dimension-consuming. If you're a reader to online photo sharing sites, though, you often can use such services equally a kinda cloud backup retributive for your photos. For case, Flickr Pro costs only $20 p.a., and allows unlimited uploads of full-resolution images.

Next Page: Graphics Card and Display

Graphics Card

The GPU is increasingly cardinal in today's computational environment. Photo and video editors are apace incorporating GPU acceleration into their products. The nontextual matter card doesn't clean serve to accelerate the display and scroll the canvas; it also acts as a analog compute engine for a number of filters, particularly blur filters.

Why worry about GPU acceleration? Photograph-editing applications are increasingly offloading some work onto the graphics board. About of these applications purpose OpenGL and OpenCL, cardinal key software package computer programming standards. OpenGL focuses purely on graphics, spell OpenCL allows developers to use the GPU for general-purpose nonconvergent cypher tasks, so much as blur filters. For example, Photoshop CS6 uses some OpenGL and OpenCL. Corel AfterShot Pro uses the graphics card to assist in file-format conversion. Chinese programmers have reinforced an entire exposure-editing application, MuseMage, from the undercoat upwardly using GPU quickening.

That said, you don't require one of those $500 objects of gamer desire to world power your exposure editing. I confess that I'm running a Radeon HD 7970 in my organisation, which is priced close to $500. As I mentioned before, though, I besides utilisation my system for PC games. If you're not a hard-core Microcomputer game player, you can escape with a relatively low-cost, midrange card. You commode find a Radeon HD 7770 for around $150. If you want a petty more GPU H.P., a Radeon HD 7850 costs about $250, and it pot do a pretty good job connected the irregular PC game too.

Nvidia-based cards as wel work well; the main reason I'm currently using an AMD card is that AMD has enabled its OpenCL driver. As I noted, OpenCL is a standard for graphics compute chores, such as in Photoshop blur filters. Given the footstep of driver updates, however, that could well change in the near future.

A discrete GPU for a laptop is nice to have, simply the latest Hedera helix Bridge processors from Intel have improved the performance of integrated graphics, including GPU compute public presentation. In the end, a discrete GPU credibly will still execute better.


If you'atomic number 75 solid most photo editing, you should prefer a display that you seat calibrate to glucinium color-accurate. None monitor is perfect, of run, but some declare oneself much better color fidelity than others fare. Prior to buying a monitor, you might want to learn up happening LCD panel technology.

My general rule of thumb is to use high-superior displays with IPS or IPS-settled LCD technologies. Unless you're doing pro-level print go, you don't necessarily need a professional-grade ride herd on, but you do want a display that will fully support true 8-bits-per-pel color. IPS displays accustomed be fairly expensive, but their cost has follow go through considerably. You sack find angelical-quality 24-inch IPS monitors supporting 1920-by-1200-pixel resolution for under $400.

Similarly, if you're looking at laptops, endeavor to discovery unmatched with an IPS panel. They subsist, but they tend to be among the more premium models. Asus, Dell, HP, and Sony all ship laptops with IPS displays. More pixels are wagerer on a laptop, as well–reckon for a native solving of 1600 by 900 pixels OR better.

Note that many modern LCD screens offer wide-gamut options. Follow sure to typeset Windows to display the straight gamut for your monitor. Just character color management into the Windows Start menu search box seat, select Advanced Color Direction, and then opt the Advanced pill.

You'll also require to set the correct ICC visibility for your presentation. Ordinarily you can rule the visibility included on a CD that ships with the display, or you can download information technology from the manufacturer's site. If the process seems a little overwhelming, you can bypass wholly these confusing settings by using dolabrate tools to fine-tune your display.

Monitors: More Is Better

More pixels are better–and Thomas More displays are likewise better.

On my background system, I have three 30-inch displays that each support 2560-by-1600-pixel resolution. My briny exhibit is an HP ZR30w, which is technically capable of 10-bits-per-pixel people of colour. I also purpose an older HP 3065 and a Dell 3008WFP, though the Dell a great deal pulls double duty past being connected to ace of my test systems. I've calibrated all terzetto victimization the Spyder 4 Pro calibration puck and software.

You don't need three displays, just having two is extremely handy. Broadly speaking I rivulet Photoshop along the ZR30w and have Adobe brick Bridge running on the 3065. Even lower-cost applications, such every bit Lightroom, support dual displays. Merely put, having two monitors makes your work flow more economic. Note that you don't have to use two high-end displays–the secondary monitor can glucinium a lower-toll model, though having similar displays is philosophical theory for calibration purposes.


Photo editors, like cameras, are merely tools to get the shoot. The art and craft of the lensman are what really makes photographs shine. You get best as a lensman only past shooting and editing photos. Having the right PC computer hardware and computer software, however, will make editing chores exactly a little bit easier.


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